Developer documentation

If you have code contributions you’d like to submit to Tamaas, you are in the right place. This page describes the good practices and workflows to follow to get your code in Tamaas.


Documentation can be built with scons doc, provided the adequate dependencies are installed. The generated files are in build-${build_type}/doc/, with the C++ API in the doxygen/html subfolder and the Sphinx documentation in the sphinx/html subfolder. Use them as reference when developing, most functions and classes in Tamaas have API-level documentation.

Writing documentation

Every new functionality in Tamaas should have at minimum API-level documentation. In C++, this is done with Doxygen-styled comments.

API-level documentation in Python can be done with pybind11’s docstrings.

Writing code

To check that your code matches Tamaas’ coding convention, please run scons lint before committing. This will check the code style of your changes. It runs clang-format, clang-tidy, flake8 and mypy.


Subcommands can be used to run individual linting software:

  • scons clang-format

  • scons clang-tidy

  • scons flake8

  • scons mypy


As redundancy measure, linting also occurs in continuous integration on Gitlab. Review the step artifacts to see which changes are necessary.

Running tests


Make sure to run in a virtual environment where Tamaas is installed with scons dev, see the Frequently Asked Questions.

To run tests on your local machine:

scons build_tests=True
scons test

The verbose=True build option ensures that test output is verbose as well, useful when writing new parametrized tests. Individual tests can be run with:

pytest build-release/tests/

Check the output for the lines indicating where the Tamaas python extension and the libTamaas shared libraries were loaded from. For instance, an editable install of Tamaas should give an output like:

module file: <path-to-tamaas>/build-release/python/tamaas/
wrapper: <path-to-tamaas>/build-release/python/tamaas/
libTamaas: static link

Git workflow

Please follow the very simple GitHub flow to submit changes, essentially:

  1. Fork the project and create a branch to contain your changes

  2. Make your changes

  3. Create a merge request

  4. Address review changes

Commit messages

Commit messages are a very important trace of changes to the code, and should contain enough context information to understand the motivation for the change. A typical commit message structure should be:

one-line short description of the change

1 or more paragraphs detailing, for example:
- what problem the commit fixes
- anything non-trivial the code does
- things that had to be researched to fix the issue
- other important contextual information

There is no limit to a commit message length, and that’s a good thing: the more context the better, particularly for new functionality and non-trivial changes (like breaking changes).